We saw many friends, The Tattered House Girls, Erica and Sandy thetatteredhouse.com
Collete from The Waiting Room , Clinton From Brown Dog Cottage browndogcottage.blogspot.com, Jacque and James from oldsoulstudios.blogspot.com and met many more. Even some dealers from Korea!
Very sweet! And even if it doesn't seem like it by the photo. They did some serious shopping here!
Bloggers always seem to have a cute name for thier husbands. But I am just going to call mine Will. He is always so supportive of my wild adventures! Thank you Will!!! ( LYVM!) We always seem to have a great time at Alameda! Always a party! Always something!
Hope to see you all there! Next time March 7th. Be lucky! ~Katy
Hi Katy... it was such a pleasure meeting you and Colette this past weekend at Chateau de Fleurs aka Christie's. I love your blog and I am now a proud follower :) I hope to visit you and the Tattered House gals soon. I hope your weekend is full of sunshine.