Saturday, February 6, 2010

Getting Ready for the Alameda Antique Market

I have been busy the past few days getting ready to show my stuff at Alameda tomorrow.  I am a little nervous as I will have my own spot, J18, which is a few spaces down from Erika and Sandy of the Tattered House   Come visit as the weather is supposed to be nice.  Here are some things that I will have in my booth.


  1. Hey Katy, solder partner in crime! You will do well at the show, Buona Fortuna. Ciao Rita mammabellarte

  2. Hi Katy,

    Just stopped over to introduce myself:)
    It's so nice to meet a friend of Erica's and Sandy's! I shop and sometimes sell at Alameda and never miss an opportunity to stop by and say Hi to The Tattered Girls and Clinton. I'll have to find you next month and say HI!!!
